Wednesday, 11 July 2018

How Inlined Code Makes For Confusing Profiles

Inlining is a powerful and common optimization technique used by compilers.
But inlining combines with other optimizations to transform your code to such an extent that other tooling becomes confused, namely profilers.

Mommy, What is Inlining?

Inlining is the mother of all optimizations (to quote C. Click), and mothers are awesome as we all know. Inlining is simply the practice of replacing a method call with the method body. This doesn't sound like much of an improvement, but it's potentially a massive win for a couple of reasons:
  • Expanding the scope of other optimizations! calling a method with a constant parameter may just end up getting folded into a constant for instance. Most compilers take a view that you either know everything about a method, because it's the method you are compiling ATM, or you know next to nothing about it. Calling another method may end up blocking, or having some unknown side effect, or bring the world to an end. Inlining expands the horizons of all available optimizations into the inlined code. These benefits can be quite dramatic, eliminating much of the inlined code (callee) on the one hand and assisting in supporting assumptions about the compilation unit at hand (caller).
  • Very small methods call overhead may actually exceed the method cost. Importantly, and counter intuitively perhaps, the cost of calling a method is not fixed. The cost will depend for example on calling convention (whose job is it to keep track of registers), pre/post conditions (e.g. ordering and safepoints).
But Inlining is not without it's potential issues:
  • "code explosion". If I have a method of size 128b and that method cannot be reduced in any form by the context of it's caller, every time I inline it I increase my code size by 128b (a bit less, as I can remove the calling related prologue/epilogue). This may lead to a very bloated application, which will put pressure on my instruction cache as well as the JVM code cache. 
  • Increased CPU pressure from the compiler itself, being challenged with larger and larger compilation units will lead to higher compile times, increased CPU usage, delayed compilation etc.
  • Increasingly complex compilation units may result in less optimal code than simpler ones. This is a real world limitation, though I would think in theory the more context the compiler has to work with, and assuming an infinite amount of cpu/memory/monkeys to throw at the problem, the better overall result we should get. In practice I have seen several cases where limiting inlining can improve results.
Picking the right boundaries is challenging, but luckily we got them bright compiler engineers to worry about that.

How Much Inlining Can We Do?

The amount of inlining a compiler does will depend on many factors. I'm not going to get very far if I try and explain the heuristics involved in great detail but some basic dimensions to the problem are:
  • Who is the callee? In Java almost all method calls are 'virtual'. This means that at runtime any number of implementations could possibly exist for a particular call. This is traditionally where you'd give up on inlining. To make inlining happen anyway the compiler must convert a virtual call into a static call before it can be inlined. The same code in a different runtime may induce different compiler decisions on this. JIT compilation allows the compiler to tailor the decision in a way that AOT compilation cannot (in a dynamic environment). 
  • How big is the callee? Most compilers put some upper limit on how big a caller method can grow as well as how big can a callee method be and still get inlined. A very large caller will be blocked from further inlining and even a medium sized callee might be blocked from being inlined. What is considered big will depend on the compiler, configuration and the profile. Limitations on compilation time for JIT compilers also drive this decision, at least partially.
  • How deep is the already inlined stack? How many veils can the compiler pierce? What about recursion?
So, that's the general shape of the problem: Virtual x Size x Depth. And if you were gonna try and write an inlining strategy for a compiler you'd need allot more details, but we can keep going with this for now.

How Much Inlining Does Java Actually Do?

And by Java I mean the Oracle JDK 8u161. These things change whimsically from run to run, release to release, JVM to JVM etc, so stick a big YMMV on this shit.
We can have the JVM helpfully share with us compilation details via a bunch of flags, but most importantly for this feature we will need: -XX:+PrintInlining -XX:+PrintCompilation (output is a bit hard to reason about because concurrent logging...).
For the sake of demonstration, here's the output of the offer method of SpscArrayQueue from a throughput benchmark I run regularly for JCTools:
public boolean offer(E e) {
if (null == e) throw new NullPointerException();
E[] buffer = this.buffer;
long mask = this.mask;
long producerIndex = this.lpProducerIndex(); // -> Unsafe.getLong
if (producerIndex >= this.producerLimit && !offerSlowPath(buffer, mask, producerIndex))
return false;
long offset = calcElementOffset(producerIndex, mask); // ConcurrentCircularArrayQueue.calcElementOffset -> calcElementOffset
soElement(buffer, offset, e); // -> Unsafe.putOrderedObject
soProducerIndex(producerIndex + 1); // -> Unsafe.putOrderedLong
return true;
C1 compilation:
232 434 3 org.jctools.queues.SpscArrayQueue::offer (77 bytes)
@ 9 java.lang.NullPointerException::<init> (5 bytes) don't inline Throwable constructors
@ 24 org.jctools.queues.SpscArrayQueueProducerIndexFields::lpProducerIndex (11 bytes)
@ 7 sun.misc.Unsafe::getLong (0 bytes) intrinsic
@ 44 org.jctools.queues.SpscArrayQueue::offerSlowPath (59 bytes) callee is too large
@ 55 org.jctools.queues.ConcurrentCircularArrayQueue::calcElementOffset (6 bytes)
@ 2 org.jctools.queues.CircularArrayOffsetCalculator::calcElementOffset (12 bytes)
@ 64 org.jctools.util.UnsafeRefArrayAccess::soElement (10 bytes)
@ 6 sun.misc.Unsafe::putOrderedObject (0 bytes) intrinsic
@ 72 org.jctools.queues.SpscArrayQueueProducerIndexFields::soProducerIndex (12 bytes)
@ 8 sun.misc.Unsafe::putOrderedLong (0 bytes) intrinsic
private boolean offerSlowPath(E[] buffer, long mask, long producerIndex) {
int lookAheadStep = this.lookAheadStep;
// ConcurrentCircularArrayQueue.calcElementOffset -> calcElementOffset
// lvElement -> Unsafe.getObjectVolatile
if (null == lvElement(buffer, calcElementOffset(producerIndex + lookAheadStep, mask)))
producerLimit = producerIndex + lookAheadStep;
else {
long offset = calcElementOffset(producerIndex, mask); // ConcurrentCircularArrayQueue.calcElementOffset -> calcElementOffset
if (null != lvElement(buffer, offset)) // lvElement -> Unsafe.getObjectVolatile
return false;
return true;
C2 compilation:
234 448 4 org.jctools.queues.SpscArrayQueue::offer (77 bytes)
@ 15 org.jctools.queues.ConcurrentCircularArrayQueue::calcElementOffset (6 bytes)
@ 2 org.jctools.queues.CircularArrayOffsetCalculator::calcElementOffset (12 bytes)
@ 18 org.jctools.util.UnsafeRefArrayAccess::lvElement (9 bytes)
@ 5 sun.misc.Unsafe::getObjectVolatile (0 bytes) intrinsic
@ 40 org.jctools.queues.ConcurrentCircularArrayQueue::calcElementOffset (6 bytes)
@ 2 org.jctools.queues.CircularArrayOffsetCalculator::calcElementOffset (12 bytes)
@ 49 org.jctools.util.UnsafeRefArrayAccess::lvElement (9 bytes)
@ 5 sun.misc.Unsafe::getObjectVolatile (0 bytes) intrinsic
@ 24 org.jctools.queues.SpscArrayQueueProducerIndexFields::lpProducerIndex (11 bytes) inline (hot)
@ 7 sun.misc.Unsafe::getLong (0 bytes) (intrinsic)
@ 44 org.jctools.queues.SpscArrayQueue::offerSlowPath (59 bytes) inline (hot)
@ 15 org.jctools.queues.ConcurrentCircularArrayQueue::calcElementOffset (6 bytes) inline (hot)
@ 2 org.jctools.queues.CircularArrayOffsetCalculator::calcElementOffset (12 bytes) inline (hot)
@ 18 org.jctools.util.UnsafeRefArrayAccess::lvElement (9 bytes) inline (hot)
@ 5 sun.misc.Unsafe::getObjectVolatile (0 bytes) (intrinsic)
@ 40 org.jctools.queues.ConcurrentCircularArrayQueue::calcElementOffset (6 bytes) inline (hot)
@ 2 org.jctools.queues.CircularArrayOffsetCalculator::calcElementOffset (12 bytes) inline (hot)
@ 49 org.jctools.util.UnsafeRefArrayAccess::lvElement (9 bytes) inline (hot)
@ 5 sun.misc.Unsafe::getObjectVolatile (0 bytes) (intrinsic)
@ 55 org.jctools.queues.ConcurrentCircularArrayQueue::calcElementOffset (6 bytes) inline (hot)
@ 2 org.jctools.queues.CircularArrayOffsetCalculator::calcElementOffset (12 bytes) inline (hot)
@ 64 org.jctools.util.UnsafeRefArrayAccess::soElement (10 bytes) inline (hot)
@ 6 sun.misc.Unsafe::putOrderedObject (0 bytes) (intrinsic)
@ 72 org.jctools.queues.SpscArrayQueueProducerIndexFields::soProducerIndex (12 bytes) inline (hot)
@ 8 sun.misc.Unsafe::putOrderedLong (0 bytes) (intrinsic)
C1 Compilation discarded:
235 434 3 org.jctools.queues.SpscArrayQueue::offer (77 bytes) made not entrant

Some observations:
  • Tiny methods and some intrinsics are inlined even by the early compilation.
  • The offerSlowPath method which is not inlined by the first compilation is inlined by the C2 compiler at a second pass.
This is not a particularly challenging piece of code, but I picked it because it is easy enough for a human to follow. Small methods get inlined, even if they are nested a bit in other tiny methods.
There's a performance related nugget to dig here:
  • I split the offerSlowPath method with the intent of not having it inlined (or at least leaving this decision to the compiler). The compiler decided it is better off inlined. Who's right? has the compiler defeated my puny human brain? am I as worthless as my mother in law suspects? these questions will be answered some other day.

Where Do Profilers Come In?

In traditional Java profilers no attempt is made at distinguishing between inlined frames (calls to methods which have been inlined) and 'real' frames (real method calls on the stack). Telling the 2 apart can be useful:
  • Inlining is often a good thing, so failure to inline a method can be worth looking into. It's also instructive to see just how much the compiler can inline, and how many layers of distraction it must cut through to get to where the actual code you want to run is. Excessive "Manager/Abstract/Adapter/Proxy/Wrapper/Impl/Dimple/Pimpl" layering however can still prevent inlining and may also lead to erectile dysfunction, early onset dementia and being knifed by your colleagues.
  • Top of stack hot methods which are not inlined present obvious curios. Perhaps callers are too large, or the method itself?
  • Multiple implementors of same methods which are not inlined indicate a megamorphic callsite. If one of these is significantly hotter than the rest you might be able to special case for it (peel off the callsite with an instanceof check, effectively rolling your own conditional inlining).
But missing out on some good opportunities is not the issue I'm concerned with in this post. The point I'd like to get across is that Inlining makes an already confusing reality much much more confusing.

A Confusing Reality

CPUs execute instructions, these instructions are not our code but the product of a series of compilation and optimization steps. It follows that if we hope to learn where the bottleneck in our code/application is we must be able to translate back from CPU instructions (the product of C1/C2/Other JIT compilers) to bytecode (the product of javac/JVM language compiler/bytecode generating agent/Other) to Code coordinates (file + line or class + method).
This is not a straight forward mapping because:
  • Some instructions do not map to any bytecode: this can happen when the JVM generates code for it's own accounting purposes.
  • Some instructions map to many bytecodes: the compiler can be quite clever in substituting many operations with one specialized instruction, Or when the result of one computation can be reused elsewhere.
  • Some bytecodes do not map to Code: this can happen due to bytecode generation.
  • Sometimes the compiler just fails in it's book keeping :-(.
A modern JIT compiler employs a significant number of optimizations to any given method, allowing it to deliver us the speed we love, but making reverse engineering the instructions into code a challenge. The mapping rules employed by profiling tools trying to bridge this gap, and by the compilers trying to give them a usable index boil down to:
  • We assume instruction X translates to at most 1 bytecode location.
  • When a mapping does not exist, find the nearest instruction Y which has a mapping and use that.
This is already confusing, as the imperfect mapping, coupled with the compiler's license to reorder code combine to make "nearest instruction" possibly be "not nearest line of code".
The problem is made worse by the inaccuracy of the profiler observations themselves. It is a known issue, largely unsolved, that the reported instruction from which the mapping starts is often a few (in theory many) instructions away from the intended sample location. This can have a knock on effect on the ultimately blamed/mapped code. This issue was touched on in a previous post on AGCT profilers.
When looking at a single method this is often a pesky, but ultimately managable problem. Sure, the profiler pointed to line A, but any fool can see the problem is line B... silly little hobbit.


So, given that:
  • The instruction reported is a few instructions off.
  • The instructions do not map perfectly to lines of code.
  • The order of instructions does not have to match the order of the code.
We can see how even a small inaccuracy can translate into a large distance in lines of code between the cost we are trying to profile and where we end up. This is made exponentially worse by inlining.
Where we had one method, we now have many methods, from many classes. As the code gets pulled in it is subjected to the same compiler "remixing", but at an expanded horizon. For instance, a computation repeated in the caller and callee can now be done once. Considering that inlining 4-6 layers of indirection is very common the "LOC distance" between "near instructions" can end up being very confusing.
I should really elaborate with some clear example, but I do not have a repeatable experiment to hand and already stalled with this article for a few months while distracted elsewhere. An interesting example of how this could work out is available here. In this issue we have the wrong instruction being blamed for the cost of a cache-miss in a loop. The cache miss originates in the bowels of an inlined LinkedHashMap::get. The nearest instruction with a mapping however is from Field::binaryValue(line 441) it's easy to see how this would end up a very misleading profile if considered from a code perspective. When observed at the assembly level the instruction slip is much easier (as much as reading assembly is easy) to see through, but profiling on the assembly level is something very few people do and very few tools support.


Inlining is good, and profiling is good. But profiling modern compiled inlined code presents us challenges which are not easily solvable by looking at the common output of most tools. The more sense the compiler makes of our code, it's context, it's execution tree, the less obvious the mapping between instructions and code.
So, what can we do? I think we should have our tools approach the problem in 2 ways:
  1. Fuzzier profiles: What would happen if instead of assigning cost to a single instruction (and it's code coordinates) we distributed the cost on a range of instructions? We could have more or less sophisticated models, but even a naive bell curve around the sampled instruction would bring in more context to the profile, and may help. This is hypothetical, as I am not aware of any tools which attempt this ATM.
  2. Differentiate between real/inlined frames: This is something the JVM is certainly capable of doing, but most APIs for profiling do not support. AFAIK only Oracle Studio and perf/bcc + perf-map-agent support views on real vs. inlined. I tend to use the latter more than the former. There's talk of adding support for this into async-profiler.

Many thanks to V. Sitnikov for reviewing :-).

This post is one of a few on the topic of profiling, check the other ones out:


  1. Nitsan, I was told about a "should this be inlined?" heuristic the other day that I had not heard of before. I have been trying to find more information about it.

    As it was explained to me, the heuristic has to do with the cost of de-optimization. If a method were inlined in a large number of places and then the method needed to be de-optimized, then there would be a high cost to modifying all of the call sites.

    Is that true? It seems reasonable. Can you point me toward any resources that explain the heuristic in more detail? Even Google search terms would helpful. So far I have only found explanations of the more commonly known heuristics.

    1. I'm not familiar with this one, I suggest you hit up Vladimir Ivanov on twitter with this question:


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