Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Celebrating 2 years of blogging!

2 years ago I started on this blog with a short and relatively under-exciting post about intrinsics. I was not happy with that first post. But you have to start somewhere I guess ;-). I set myself a target of writing 2 posts a month and pretty much kept to it (43 posts and 1 page). Some posts took huge investment, some less, I learnt something new while writing every one of them.
I spent last week at Joker Conf and Gee Con, I don't think I'd have been invited to speak in either was it not for my blog. I'm also pretty sure I owe my current job (and other job offers) to the blog. I'm still surprised to meet people who read it. Most seem happy. It proved to be allot of work, but just the sort of excuse I needed to dig deeper into corners of Java and concurrency I find exciting. Some of the effort that went into the blog became the ground work for JCTools. I guess what I'm trying to say is it worked out very well for me both in driving my learning process and gaining me some recognition that led to rewarding experiences and opportunities. Also, some other people seem to enjoy it :-)
The name of the blog proved puzzling for many (not a big surprise really), so in case you're still wondering where it came from, here's the relevant strip from Calvin & Hobbes:

I am a huge Bill Watterson fan, you should buy yourself the full C&H set, it will prove a more lasting reading material than any performance/Java/programming book you own. Also, I've seen many performance related discussions go a similar way to the above exchange...
A huge thank you to the readers, commentors and reviewers, urging me this way and steering me that way. Let's see if I can keep it up another 2 years :-)

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